7 Best Open Source DAST Tools to Consider

Who doesn’t want to ensure their data is safe? We’re sure you certainly care deeply about data security. That’s why you’re here. Of all the Application Security Testing (AST) methods, DAST is the ideal option. However, DAST is rarely performed once or twice. You may even find yourself doing this at every stage of your application’s development life cycle. DAST tools make the whole process a lot quicker and easier. But if you’re not sure whether they’re worth the investment, you can always try out some free and open-source tools.

Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST)

As the name suggests, DAST is all about testing the security of applications while they are still in production. It’s a type of automated software penetration testing that involves observing the behavior of an application under simulated attack conditions.

Automated DAST vs. Manual DAST

Automated DAST:

Testers will use automated tools for performing DAST. They work by automatically crawling through the application, looking for potential security issues.


  • Scans can be run quickly and easily, making them a good option for large applications.
  • Can identify many issues that manual testing may miss.


  • May not be suitable for all applications.
  • Not always reliable in identifying issues.

Manual DAST:

This type of testing is done manually. Testers will have to look at every page of the website or application that they’re testing. It’s time-consuming but more reliable in identifying issues.


  • Can be more reliable in identifying issues.
  • Suitable for smaller applications.


  • Time-consuming and expensive.
  • Not suitable for all applications.

Types of DAST Tools

There are three types of DAST tools: commercial, open-source, and free but not open-source.

Commercial tools are paid for and can be used by anyone. They generally come with premium features and companies may even assist you with your testing.

Open-source tools are free and their code is made public. Most open-source tools are designed for specific purposes and may not be as comprehensive as commercial tools. However, they receive tremendous community support and contributions. This makes it easier for open-source tools to get updates on the latest threats.

Free but not open-source tools are free to use, but the source code is not made public. This means that others cannot contribute to its code or patches. These tools are often for small-scale and specific use cases.

7 best open-source DAST tools

There are many open-source DAST tools to choose from. Some, however, aren’t as excellent or feature-rich as others. Here are seven of the most useful open-source DAST tools that you should consider:

1) Zed Attack Proxy:

This is a popular open-source DAST tool. It’s maintained by the OWASP Foundation and has been around for over a decade.

Why ZAP:

  • Good range of features, including vulnerability scanning, spidering, and fuzzing.
  • Well supported by a large community.

2) Wapiti:

Wapiti is another popular open-source DAST tool. It’s known for its ease of use and comprehensive features.

Why Wapiti:

  • Good range of reporting options.
  • Has both command line and GUI interfaces.
  • Good for detecting database injections, XSS, command execution, unprotected files, etc.

3) OpenVAS:

OpenVAS is a popular open-source vulnerability scanner. It’s maintained by Greenbone Security and has been around for over a decade.

Why OpenVAS:

  • Identifies and classifies potential points of weakness
  • Gives mitigation suggestions to remediate the problem.
  • Can be used as part of an assessment suite.

4) Nikto:

Nikto is a popular open-source command-line web server scanner.

Why Nikto:

  • Scans for harmful files and CGIs on servers.
  • Requires no installation (Kali Linux).
  • Good for detecting outdated software and servers.

5) Grendel-Scan:

Grendel-Scan is a relatively newer website scanner tool that has been gaining popularity recently.

Why Grendel-Scan:

  • Aids with manual testing

6) Deepfence ThreatMapper:

Deepfence ThreatMapper is a tool that was specifically designed for the detection of malicious activity in enterprise networks.

Why Deepfence ThreatMapper:

  • Good for detecting malicious activity in enterprise networks.
  • Aids with the understanding of an organization’s threat landscape.

7) Nuclei:

Nuclei allow you to rapidly scan a large number of hosts using a template, resulting in zero false positives. It can scan various protocols such as DNS and HTTP. Works on Windows, Linux, and Macintosh systems.

Why Nuclei:

  • A quick scanner
  • Has options for customizing scans
  • Simple YAML-based DSL
  • Cross-platform


DAST is a vital type of Application Security Testing that may be utilized throughout the lifetime of your web application’s development. Although this is not ideal for every application, it may be used throughout the development process. There are several open-source DAST tools to select from, but some aren’t as good as others. We listed seven of the best open-source DAST tools that you should consider: Zed Attack Proxy, Wapiti, OpenVAS, Nikto, Grendel-Scan, Deepfence ThreatMapper, and Nuclei. These tools can help you detect vulnerabilities in your web applications and improve your website’s security posture for free.