mobile app development tools

Explore Top Mobile App Development Tools in 2024

Do you know a recent Top Design firm survey revealed that 48% of small businesses rely upon mobile applications? This projection is said to increase significantly based on the rise of mobile app usage in recent years. Businesses that don’t have a mobile app for their company are looking to integrate one in the coming years. It is believed that 19% of businesses choose to develop mobile applications to boost their brands.

Being a business owner, you need to prove your worth to customers by attending to their needs on time. Suppose you aim to increase customer satisfaction levels, and that is where mobile app development tools come into the equation. However, today’s market is flooded with top tools for mobile app development that businesses can choose from depending on their requirement. In this article, we have talked about some of those widely renowned mobile app development tools that you should know before picking one yourself.

List of Mobile App Development Languages

Before going into the details of mobile application development tools, learning about the top programming languages that are used in those applications would be a useful choice.

1. Swift

One of the most popular programming languages that mobile application development tools could use is Swift. It is a powerful scripting language that helps in the development of platforms like macOS, tvOS, iPadOS, watchOS, and iOS.

The businesses that are looking into providing a safer and more interactive experience to customers consistently. For them, choosing Swift-based mobile application development tools would lead to faster application development.

2. Objective-C

Another programming language that businesses could utilize for developing applications running on iOS and OS X would be Objective-C. This programming language is said to provide huge support to developers for accomplishing creative development tasks efficiently.

If you are eager to find creative solutions related to mobile app development problems, relying upon Objective-C would be the best choice. However, having professional mobile app developers in your arsenal would help you to realize this language to its full potential.

3. C++

C++ is one of the most popular programming languages that is widely used in the development of mobile applications. With the use of C++, you can efficiently utilize high-end software development kits needed for smooth functioning in iOS and Android. Additionally, C++ is also famous for offering debugging tools and simple configuration standards that make the work of mobile application developers easier.

4. Kotlin

Compared to other programming languages that are used for mobile application development, Kotlin is one of the most famous choices. Due to its advanced programming language, its services range between desktop, mobile, and web applications. Even the workload of mobile app developers could be reduced significantly as it reduces the need to write codes separately.

Instead, the same code can be utilized to run the application on platforms like iOS and Android. Moreover, Kotlin is quite safe and has high-end security standards that businesses can rely upon to store customer information.

5. Dart

Finally, yet another programming language that provides coding experience similar to that of a few others mentioned in this list is Dart. For businesses that are looking to develop an application that has an intuitive user interface platform for using Dart, it would be a popular choice.

Compared to other programming languages, Dart offers modifications to ensure the application runs smoothly across supported systems. Nonetheless, for using all the capabilities of Dart, having the support of professional mobile app developers would be useful.

Top Mobile App Development Tools in 2024

1. Flutter

For businesses that are looking to develop mobile applications that work across both iOS and Android, Flutter would be a great choice. It is an open-source mobile application development tool that saves you the time and effort required to write codes separately for different operating systems.

In recent times, Flutter has garnered huge popularity among developers and businesses due to its likable features. The programmers who specialize in working through Flutter would be able to design amazing user interfaces that satisfy customer demands efficiently. Some of the features that people should know about Flutter are:

  • Cross-platform development
  • Customizable user experience
  • Availability of widgets
  • Smoothly designed architecture
  • High-end performance results

2. React Native

React Native is a widely famous mobile app development tool that is powered by Facebook’s open-source platform. The mobile app development projects can be completed easily with the capability of React Native software. One of the points that sets apart the usability of React Native is the applications built on it, which would have a similar appearance to other native applications.

This ensures an engaging user experience that customers can easily interpret and understand while facing little difficulty. Moreover, some mobile application development tools seem to take a lot of time during initial development. However, using the features of React Native could avoid those problems by performing complex calculations. Below, we have discussed some features of React Native for an efficient understanding.

  • UI/UX component
  • SEO friendly compatibility
  • Support mechanism installed for third-party libraries
  • Huge community support
  • Free of cost for one user with eye-watering discounts for multiple users

3. Xamarin

Xamarin is considered one of the best choices when businesses are looking to develop native applications. Moreover, because Microsoft is its parent company, you can safeguard yourself against unexplained terminations while reducing overall security threats alongside regular technology updates.

A staggering 1.4 million mobile application developers are said to use Xamarin, where community support is not even a question. You can efficiently build the best mobile application development team that adheres to all specifications laid down by your business. Here are some features that convince you to choose Xamarin.

  • Xamarin has a mono-framework that uses the full capability of native APIs.
  • Its coding is powered by IntelliSense, which makes it easier to code.
  • C++ programming language has been repeatedly used in Xamarin for building, testing, and debugging mobile applications.
  • Xamarin could be the best choice for businesses looking to develop enterprise applications.
  • It also provides application indexing and deep linking abilities.

4. Ionic

Ionic is powered through an HTML5 mobile development framework that makes it easier for website developers to develop an application that has cross-platform capabilities.

Businesses could also choose to develop hybrid mobile applications due to Ionic’s open-sourcing abilities. You can easily develop a mobile application that has a creative user interface due to the presence of CSS and JavaScript components.

One of the biggest reasons behind the success of the Ionic mobile application development tool is its Angular framework. Web developers are known for relying upon the abilities of the angular framework because it provides seamless movement from online to mobile programming.

Moreover, Ionic is said to combine the capabilities of the Angular framework with its user interface to make the customer experience smoother. Businesses that are looking for a free, open-source framework for Ionic could be deemed as the best choice out of all.

5. Appery

Is your business looking to develop low-coding applications? Then could be the choice for the seamless creation of hybrid mobile applications, online applications, and many more.

Nonetheless, build helps with coding through HTML5, jQuery Mobile, AngularJS, Bootstrap, and Apache Cordova. Using those code generators, mobile applications can be developed for iOS, Android, Windows, and other HTML5 applications.

Moreover, this app has special tabs available in-app settings that help you to access your model, storage, templates, styles, and other services. Some of the features that is said to possess are:

  • Drag and Drop functionality
  • No coding options
  • Useful compatibility tests
  • Debugging

6. Unity

Compared to other mobile application development tools that have been talked about until now. This mobile application development tool called Unity has gathered most of its popularity through gaming features.

There are millions of mobile application developers who rely upon the capability of the Unity game engine for developing applications that run on different platforms like Android, Windows, iOS, etc. Moreover, the developers are said to pick Unity because of its special user interface and wide range of features.

Even though Unity has been primarily developed for gaming applications, businesses can also use this tool for non-gaming applications. Some of the features that have made Unity this famous have been discussed briefly in the points mentioned below.

  • The quick, reliable, and easy development process
  • C++-based development that streamlines complexities regarding coding.
  • Adequate code support for the timely delivery of applications
  • Offering functions related to upscaling

7. OnsenUI

If your business is looking to develop progressive and hybrid web applications supported through mobile devices, then OnsenUI could be the choice for you. From the name itself, you can probably guess the range of UI components that could be found by using the OnsenUI mobile application development tool.

One of the biggest positives that comes through OnsenUI is the independence developers can experience when building applications without the help of JavaScript.

Due to this feature, the popularity of OnsenUI has only increased throughout the years among mobile application developers. Learning some features related to OnsenUI would help you make better decisions regarding your business targets.

  • Developers can go through a learning curve that helps them understand the performance of applications easily.
  • It can be easily implemented on different systems because it is based on HTML5, CSS, and JS.
  • Soon after development, it can be implemented right away due to seamless compatibility.
  • You wouldn’t have to pre-install an Android software development kit or iOS; instead, you can start coding right away.

Why You Should Know About Mobile App Development Tools?

Every business owner should have a proper understanding of mobile app development tools that can help in the creation of a mobile application that adheres to customer requirements. Even though in this article, we have gone through an extended list of different mobile app development tools. Having a thorough understanding of their applications would help you make a better decision.

1. Business efficiency

If you want your business to function efficiently while meeting the customer demands within a specific period. In that case, having a thorough understanding of the right mobile application development tools would be crucial.

Choosing the right one would help businesses enhance their development phase while getting features like code snippets, templates, and debugging abilities.

2. Cost-effective option

Remember, every business aims to save as many resources as possible while providing the best service to customers. Therefore, by using the right set of mobile application development tools, you can significantly decrease architectural costs while reducing overall errors through efficient resource utilization.

3. Ensuring top quality standards

Every business has a goal to provide a mobile application that meets the quality standards of customers. This is ensured by using the right mobile application development tools that offer testing and debugging features before the final launch of the application.

4. Cross-platform usability

While creating a mobile application, you need to design one that efficiently performs in both IOS and Android operating systems. The cross-platform compatible mobile application development tool is said to save a lot of the cost required to develop a mobile application that functions seamlessly across multiple operating systems.

5. Beating the competitive markets

Due to the revolving nature of markets, the competitiveness between businesses increases and multiplies significantly. However, suppose you are knowledgeable about every latest tool and technology. In that case, you might be able to beat the market competition by bringing a mobile application that has all the required functions.


Due to so many mobile application development tools being available, it would not be easy to pick one that matches your requirements. Hence, if you are aware of the popular mobile application development tools, then you can continue meeting customer demands. At the same time, building a mobile application development team that is professional in using a variety of programming languages efficiently.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

How many developers are needed to build a mobile application?

Roughly five to six mobile application developers could be required to build a mobile application that meets customer demands and business targets.

How long does it take to develop a mobile application?

It takes around 4-6 months to develop a mobile application based on clients’ specifications.

How many devices can a mobile application be installed?

You can install a mobile application across multiple devices based on the software development tool you have used and the programming language put into work.